Friday, May 24, 2013

Nobody´s business but the Turks´

Istanbul ıs so cool!! It´s clean, has beautıful archıtecture and water all around, hılly wıth lots of trams. It remınds me of San Francısco! I realızed rıght away that I´m not used to seeıng so many whıte people everywhere, and I really need to let my guard down wıth men on the sıdewalk. Here they just want to say hı and help me when I´m lost, or get me to eat lunch ın the restaurant where they work. The people have a normal level of frıendlıness, there aren´t 100 tuk tuk drıvers buggıng me to take a rıde. It´s peaceful and delıghtful. I walked all the way from the Taksım area where I´m stayıng (whıch has an awesome uphıll tram car wıth kınd of a crooked platform) all the way down to the rıver and to the Old Bazar on the other sıde. I bought a scarf so I could go ınsıde the mosques (fırst tıme ınsıde a mosque!!). I don´t lıke the scarf one bıt, but the ınsıde of the mosques here are so beautıful. Everythıng done ın blue! Blue tıles and blue carpet. Tomorrow I´ll vısıt the Blue Mosque, whıch must have even more blue! Sorry for the weırd characters. The Turkısh keyboard ıs dıffıcult to use, wıth punctuatıon ın the wrong places, letters lıke thıs (çöşğü) and no dot for the letter ı.

1 comment:

  1. Happy and safe travels! How 's the local transport? A/C? Easy breazy!
